
Posts Tagged ‘volunteer’

pancakes and a project

Ok, guys.

This flu thing is proving harder to shake than I thought.

Every time I think I am better, it just hits me again. So suffice it to say that I did not go for a run this morning. 😦

It makes me kind of nervous, being in the middle of marathon training, but honestly what my body needs right now is rest. And rest it shall get.

Linden and I made a pancake buffet this morning, since no one felt well, and everyone slept in.

I had two pumpkin pancakes.



And one apple pancake.


We made all the pancakes using Kath’s yogurt pancake recipe, and adding the extras (apples, pumpkin) in.

YUM! 😀

So far for lunch I have had ginger ale. Don’t judge.


The lovely Megan gifted me with an award the other day. I want to pass it along to all of you guys, but first I have to answer some questions [using only one word!]. 



1.Where is your cell phone? charging

2.Your hair? blonde

3. Your mother? wonderful

4. Your father? great

5. Your favorite food? icecream

6. Your dream last night? none

7. Your favorite drink? Water

8. Your dream/goal? success

9. What room are you in? hallway

10. Your hobby? Blogging

11. Your fear? snakes

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? happy

13. Where were you last night? bed

14. Something you aren’t? fake

15. Muffins? love

16. Wish list item? Garmin

17. Where did you grow up? NC

18. Last thing you did? cleaned

19. What are you wearing? pjs

20. Your TV? GLEE!

21. Your pets? Dogs

22. Your friends? Kind

23. Your life? good

24. Your mood? 😦

25. Missing someone? nope

26. Vehicle? Acura

27. Something you’re not wearing? shoes

28. Your favorite store? Buckle

29. Your favorite color? black [morbid, I know]

30. When was the last time you laughed? today

31. Last time you cried? last week

33. One place that I go over and over? Work

34. One person who emails me regularly? Meredith

35. Favorite place to eat? home!


Now guys, go post this on your blog, cause it’s OVER THE TOP too! 😀


Project Feed Me nono2yoyo

Project Feed Me is something I signed up for a few days ago. I wanted to share with you guys what Natalie is doing to make a difference. It’s so simple and yet so brilliant!

For nine weeks, we buy two items [check the website to find out what they are] and donate them to our local food bank. The challenge is to get three people to sign up with you.

I already did it. Won’t you?

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Hey, hey peoples!

Good times I have been having in the last 24 hours. Don’t worry, you can read all about it here in a minute.

Last night for dinner I ate a bowl of veggie soup,


along with a side of crackers and grapes,


and went to a gathering at my mom’s church. Food was provided, but it was not the sort I eat (as in animals), so I made sure I was well fed previously.

Afterwards I went to a friends house that I grew up with to reminisce about old times, and eat.

I was pleased to find that the eats were very Whit-friendly. I should hang out with these girls more often! 😀


Pita chips, pretzel crisps and PB & CO! You know I dove into that headfirst.




And some deliciously ooey gooey brownies that I had a piece of. OH.MY.HEAVENS. Delicious.


Katie, Erin and Jessica happily posed for my camera. Everyone else scattered. Get back here girls! I’m only going to post your photo on the internet. Where did you go?

I had such fun chatting and catching up that before I knew it, Cinderella’s coach had turned to a pumpkin, and ‘twas time to get meself home!

I crawled into bed at a very un-Whit like time of 1:30 am. No blogging for me last night!


I was up at 7 am, because today was a very special Saturday. No I did not run a race like some people, nor did I run at all.

Today was volunteer day at my church, so at 7:20 am I was in the grocery store buying bananas.

Apparently I signed up for a lot of events.

  • Give blood
  • Goodie baskets for local fire and police stations
  • Love, Inc – helping an elderly lady

I must have three personalities or something.

Anyway, I agreed to provide apples and bananas for the gift baskets, go to a blood drive and work in the home of the elderly lady.

I didn’t make time for breakfast, so I had coffee on the way, as well as a cup at the church. Around 9:30 I broke out a Clif Z-bar to tide me over, as well as some pretzels that our group leader provided.

At Miss Pearl’s (the elderly lady) we painted, mended, cleaned and weeded. Around 1, we stopped for lunch. I had a nectarine (out of my purse. So handy!), small bag of peanuts and a few more pretzels.

After lunch, we finished cleaning everything up, and home we went; leaving Miss Pearl’s house in much better shape than when we came.

I wish I had pictures, but it was just one of those times it did not feel appropriate to whip out my camera to document something for the internet.

Ya know?

Upon arriving home I should have dug into some salad, given my lack of veggies at previous meals, but instead I chose something equally as nutritious.


Edy’s Butterfinger Ice Cream.

I haven’t had ice cream in forever (well a few weeks. It feels like forever.) I was really craving it after our long day and it hit the spot.


Today’s eats have been rather random. I am ready for an actual meal for dinner. What shall it be?

I hear there is a Greek Festival this weekend. I bet there will be food there. I might be there too.


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I made today Cookie Friday on Monday.


Well, maybe not an actual cookie, but it tasted just like the real thing.

I deserved it for the many reports I prepared, as well as the many reports I have to prepare tomorrow. Bleh.

Spaghetti was a cookin’ when I walked in the door.


Mama D. even made it veggie + whole wheat for me. I think I’ll keep that lady around.


I piled on the melons AGAIN.


Juicy melons, how I love thee.



A wondrous dinner only deserves a more wondrous dessert.


Banana softserve, peanut butter filled pretzels, coconut and SPRINKLES!


There may or may not have been more peanut butter filled pretzels devoured straight from the bag.


Philippians 4:17 (The Message)

…Not that I’m looking for handouts, but I do want you to experience the blessing that issues from generosity.

My church is doing a ‘What if Everyone’ program next month where we have a volunteer day, and we also fill up a grocery bag with items for the needy. I am so excited, because I LOVE volunteering. I have volunteered with the MS Society multiple times, as well as the American Cancer Society. It makes me feel so good to know that I am making a difference.

What do you do to make a difference in your community?

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